S1E1 - Trauma Stewardship - Episode 001: We're All Traumatized
Episode Notes
This is Episode number 1, titled: “We’re All Traumatized”. This is the first episode EVER for this podcast, and more importantly the first episode in our study on the book “Trauma Stewardship: An Every Day Guide to Caring for Self, While Caring for Others” by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky. Today’s episode covers the introduction of the book, where we discuss the importance of this particular conversation around trauma, and how in a post-pandemic world, the relevance of Trauma Stewardship has a greater importance than ever before; not just for those in historically caring professions, but for Christians and all people who hope to bring a caring and compassionate presence to the world around us. Pairing this introduction with a study of Luke 8:26-39, when Jesus encounters the Gerasene Demoniac, we’ll conclude with some questions for reflection about what exactly we’re carrying with us. Hopefully we’ll discover that this humble admission that “we’re all traumatized” will allow each of us to find freedom in which we can care for ourselves and then care for others.
Questions for discussion: As we wrap up our time here today, I’d like to offer a few questions for reflection: How have you changed? We make the case in this episode today that everyone is traumatized, that everyone has changed since 2020. How have you changed in these years? What are you carrying with you, and like the Gerasene Demoniac, how has that left you feeling isolated? What was your cliffside moment? If you’ve had one, what was the moment you realized that things have affected you? What would freedom look like for you in letting go of the pain of others that you may be carrying?
We’d like to encourage you to discuss these questions with a conversation partner, whatever you’re comfortable sharing, you’re invited to share your reflections in the comments section of our Muhlenberg Lutheran Facebook page, Instagram @MuhlenbergLC, or on YouTube. Thank you, for gathering with us today around the Wellspring, we’re looking forward to another episode next week!
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