The Wellspring Podcast
Welcome to the Wellspring! It's a place for grace and faith and life and YOU!

S1E6 - Trauma Stewardship - Episode 006: Living Intentionally

Welcome to the Wellspring, it's a place for Grace and Faith and Life and YOU!

Episode Notes

This is Episode number 6, titled: “Living Intentionally”.  This is the final episode of our first series of this podcast, concluding our study on the book “Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self, While Caring for Others” by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky.  Today’s episode covers Chapter 12: The Fifth Direction — A Daily Practice of Centering Ourselves and the book’s Conclusion.  Our guest host is Dr. Mark Warner, the retired Senior Vice President of Student Affairs at James Madison University, and a Muhlenberg member.  The conclusion of this book draws us to a place where we can find our center, understand ourselves, and remember that this self-work is not selfish. As we each strive to bring compassion to our daily lives, whether that is vocationally or in simple moments each day, we are meant to live intentionally with a clear and consistent sense of who we are. Mark discusses the development of a personal mission statement, and we conclude with a reflection on Luke 4:16-30, where Jesus lays out his own mission statement for life and ministry, but is quickly misunderstood by those in his hometown.  In this, we see that living intentionally and centering ourselves on our values and calling is a faithful and self-full way of life that makes us fertile ground for growth, and a wellspring of grace for all in need.

This week's reflection is to try writing your own Personal Mission Statement by following Mark's steps: 1- Clarify your values, prioritize a top 10 2- Reflect on ways you concretely live out your values 3- Audit your calendar to see how you spend your time 4- Frame your reflection with the question "Who do I want to be?" 5- Make it personal, and let it be imperfect (wordsmith later)

Let us know in the comments how this process goes for you! We’d like to encourage you to discuss this process with a conversation partner, and whatever you’re comfortable sharing, you’re invited to share your reflections in the comments section of our Muhlenberg Lutheran Facebook page, Instagram @MuhlenbergLC, or on YouTube. Thank you, for gathering with us today around the Wellspring, we’re looking forward to another episode next week! Learn more about our congregation online, or by joining us for worship each Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00am Eastern Standard Time, with the 11:00 service streamed live on Facebook and YouTube. Your financial support of the ministry of Muhlenberg makes the many ministries, including digital ones like this, possible for our community. You can make your gifts online at

Muhlenberg Lutheran Church