The Wellspring Podcast
Welcome to the Wellspring! It's a place for grace and faith and life and YOU!

S1E3 - Trauma Stewardship - Episode 003: A Way in the Wilderness

Welcome to the Wellspring, it's a place for Grace and Faith and Life and You!

Episode Notes

This is Episode number 3, titled: “A Way in the Wilderness” discussing Chapters 3 and 4 of the book “Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self, While Caring for Others” by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky.  Our guest host is Kristee Trumbo, a Licensed Professional Counselor who brings her perspective to the process of mapping our response to Trauma Response.  Kristee’s clinical perspective helps us get into the meat of this book, after we’ve recognized that caregivers can be recipients of secondary trauma, Kristee helps us walk through the 16 Warning Signs of Trauma Exposure Response.  It’s easy to feel lost in the wilderness of trauma, but there are indeed landmarks that may look familiar, and help us find our way in the wilderness.  Concluding with a reflection on Luke 4:1-15 we look at a time where Jesus navigates the wilderness himself, and find that often the way forward is not always the easy way, but the faithful way.  But the hope we find in this is that Jesus has navigated this wilderness, and walks with each of us, wherever we’re walking. Things to be curious about:  What of these 16 warning signs do you want to learn more about? Who is in the wilderness with you, who is a trusted voice in the wilderness?  What are the shortcuts that are available to you, what paths are ahead of you?

We’d like to encourage you to discuss these questions with a conversation partner, whatever you’re comfortable sharing, you’re invited to share your reflections in the comments section of our Muhlenberg Lutheran Facebook page, Instagram @MuhlenbergLC, or on YouTube.  Thank you, for gathering with us today around the Wellspring, we’re looking forward to another episode next week! Learn more about our congregation online, or by joining us for worship each Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00am Eastern Standard Time, with the 11:00 service streamed live on Facebook and YouTube.  You financial support of the ministry of Muhlenberg makes the many ministries, including digital ones like this, possible for our community.  You can make your gifts online at (

Muhlenberg Lutheran Church